Saturday, June 11, 2011


As I sit here and wait for the eye doctor to finally get ready to see me, I'm struck by the realization that one day I'll no longer have to wear contacts or glasses. I won't have to squint to see the tiny print on this "Highlights" I'm reading (don't lie, you love highlights too!)

I had the pleasure (and sometimes extreme annoyance) of chaperoning 20 youth to church camp at Crossings this past week. This was an eye-opening experience for all of us! I learned that I no longer want to have girls out of fear that they'll be BOY CRAZY and drama filled! :) But if you asked me right now if I'd chaperone next year, I'd have to say yes. Why is that, you ask?? Why would you willingly put yourself in a situation that could make you gray before you turn 30?? Because I had the priviledge of walking one of these young girls through what the gospel really means! She knew God was dealing with her on the first night of camp, but she couldn't put into words why she felt the way she did or what Jesus had done for her. Throughout the week, she heard story after story of God's grace, mercy, and love for her. On the last night of camp, after many tears and long conversations, she prayed a sweet, thankful prayer to her new Savior, Jesus Christ. Let me tell you guys...there's no better feeling than knowing God truly blessed YOU by allowing you to guide a soul to him, even in the smallest way.

So what does that have to do with the eye doctor?? Pretty much nothing, but it makes my heart sing to know that when we all get to heaven, my perfect eyes won't have to squint to see my sisters and brothers in Christ!
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  1. Such a great feeling! I am so glad you went girl! And I am so glad you are blogging again!
