How far along: 18 Weeks
Total Weight Gained/Lost: +1 lbs (No scale change yet but definitely some body changes!)
Sleep: I toss and turn a little more now, but I still get enough. :)
Best Moment of the Week(s): Finding out Baby Pate is a BOY!! :) One of each in our little framily!
Movement: I have been feeling more pressure when I lay down at night. Jeremy has even been able to feel it a couple of times! No pokes and prods yet though. Anxiously awaiting!
Food Cravings: I just like to eat...too bad I can't physically eat as much any more!!
Food Aversions: Ummm...none!
Morning Sickness: I'm feeling good about this now. Just a few gagging episodes sporadically.
Symptoms: Stretching and round ligament pain. I feel kinda like a penguin when I walk sometimes :D
What I miss: Feeling helpful! Everyone keeps picking things up for me and not letting me carrying things. I am very thankful, but I also feel like a bump on a log sometimes.
What I'm looking forward to: Vacay with the Allens!!
Other news: Our upstairs is moving forward, so hopefully we can get started on the nursery soon!!
Can't wait to meet Miss Eden Rae!